
Billy Foster - The Victoria Flash



Billy Foster was destined to be a racing champion. Born into a family of automotive enthusiasts, from a young age he was surrounded by skilled mechanics and racers that passed through his father's commercial garage in Victoria, British Columbia. In additon to his love of hockey, he couldn't wait until he was old enough to climb into the cockpit of a racing car. Behind the wheel, Billy was a natural talent from the start. Like many other drivers who have honed their skills in the rough and tumble world of local tracks, he persisted in working his way up the racing ladder to ultimmately reach the top- the hallowed ground of the Indianpolis 500. Along his journey, Billy's hard-changing driving style and outgoing personality drew legions of fans and the respect of his competitors. On the home front, he was a loving husband and a devoted father to his children. After just two full years of racing USAC Championship and Stock Cars, Billy's life was cut short in an untimely racing accident- depriving this young Canadian the opportunity to achieve his full promise in the sport of motor racing. 

Pricing and Sizes

9781797052441-EA $50.00

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